Active Plot-lines

This is a loose collection of plots in Amber. If you see something you like and might like to interfere, let me know 

The Hendrake/Lintros conflict

Battle of the Beasts

Democracy or Dust and the Republican Movements

Year of Skulls

The Rise of King Brand of the Abyss

Dead Amber

Grand Duchy of Bursain

Chaos Bond Braids

Completed plots

Thin Whip's Place

Gavras Rentri-The Dominator

Green Random's Amber



The Hendrake/Lintros conflict

Players: Doria,

NPCs:Benedict, Maylon, Desri, Roxane Duke Larsus, Duchess Belisema Minobee, Chinnaway

Signs: The widely distributed Dworkin's Hiers and Spares Poster.


Benecict bred 4 daughters with Lintra Hendrake, queen of the Hellmaids. The hellmaids are a vital and active part of House Hendrake. One daughter born in antiquity is Maylon, a powerful member of the Hendrake family and leader of the Lintros faction. Three daughters, Dosri, Desri, and Doria, were conceived during Patternfall War and hid on the world of Swirlin. Lintra's sudden death caused the three daughters to be lost, misplaced, and not contacted.

At about the same time Benedict and the Hendrakes attempted to rescue the daughters. The Hendrakes rescued Desri and Doria's Daughter Roxane. Dosri had been brought to chaos early on and bore the line Dara eventually sprang from. Benedict fought a Fire Angel to claim Doria.

The division in House Hendrake, by far the most dangerous active plot, is between the Lintros Clan and the established line. Duke Larsus, Duchess Belisema Minobee, Chinnaway represent the old guard, the Anti-Amber faction that fought, and some claim precipitated, the Patternfall War. Maylon, Glandris, and Falris represent the Lintro Faction.

The Dworkin's Hiers and Spares page is being circulated to bolster the Lintro's Clan's connection to Amber.

Year of Skulls


NPC: Roxane

Signs: Skull Stacks.

Roxane, who may not be sane, is convinced it is her duty to bring on the Year of Skulls, a cataclysmic battle that would rise a godlike figure called Kina to life, to rule over all of shadow. She has strange powers to claim followers. Her followers, called Deceivers, from Swirlin and from Chaos and Black Zone worlds specialize in the use of rummels, a type of strangling cord.

Skull stacks of 3 skulls at the base and a 4th on top are frequent signs of Deceiver activity.

Democracy or Dust and the Republican Movements


NPC: Caine, Lark,

Signs: graffiti, underground political action communities. Increase of Mercenary action in Amber.

Associated to the SPQA movement.

Strykr, as director of special ops, has been investigating the development of this democratic movement.

The detail of the democratic movement in Amber has two elements. The Democracy or Dust factions, called the Dusters, and the Senate and the People of Amber, called the Republicans. Graffiti seems to be the main outward elements of the movement; Each with specific phrases. Dusters use the phrase "Democracy or Dust"," or "Replace the regal," as well as a great many variations. The Senate uses "SPQA" almost exclusively.

Thin Whip's Place

Truman, Doria

NPC: Jurt, Arkana

Signs: Rockabilly music.

Jurt is an up and coming royal recently sworn to Amber.

The Rise of King Brand of the Abyss


NPC: most amberites.



Grand Duchy of Bursain

Nocturne, Doria, Strykr, Marke

NPC:Fi, Brand, Bleys,



Gravras Rentri-The Dominator


NPC: Gravas Rentri,

Signs: none obvious

A powerful Serpent priest trapped on a Black Zone Area world assembles followers. Amongst the followers are two children of Benedict and Lintra. One becomes a servent, one becomes his wife. At the time that both Benedict and House Hendrake discover the existance of Lintra's daughters Gavras Rentri was entombed. Benedict rescued Doria Hendrake ne Doria of Amber. Hendrake captured Desri Hendrake, Roxane Hendrake (Doria's Daughter), and Gavras Rentri.


 Battle of the Beasts

 Strykr, Doria, Vance, Noct, Marke, Jallarzi,

NPC: all of them

Signs: The Serpent and the Unicorn have begun battles, sending various beasts to eliminate the partisans of the enemy.

Doria-The butterfly lays trapped beneath the root of a tree.

Nocturne-Where stands the Phoenix? Will she side with us for her daughter? Or them, for her husband?"

Marke and Jallarzi-The Wolf lays at the feet of Morgoth, ensorceled.

Strykr- Will you go the the Abyss and free Chantecleer and the Dun Cow?"


Dead Amber


NPC: Karo, Benedict



Green Amber:

 Strykr, Vance

NPC: Green Random


Green Random, king of a Shade of Amber, was the last survivor of a throne war. His brother Jared, driven mad by having become the Gopher King, had brought war and wreck to Amber.

When discovered by Strykr only Random, a straggly, thin figure hounded by hordes of gophers and Mad Jared still existed in a bare and desolate Amber, stripped of every scrap of plant life or material consumable by the zillions of gophers infesting the land.

Through diverse actions Strykr slew Jared, becoming the Gopher Queen herself. Then Random cleared the region of gopher bodies while Strykr commanded the gophers back into the shadows they came from, to resume their normal gopher lives.

Soon after Green Random came to the true realm and was soon traveling in the social whirl. King of a vacant shade of Amber, he turned the realm over to the True Realm in exchange for a Grand Ducal coronet.

Now Green Amber is a training ground for Amber's military, Golden Circle forces, and special Household Forces. Emigration has also been opened up to provide support personnel for the visiting troops. Many of the visiting troops, numbering in the thousands to hundred thousands, will be living in Green Amber for years at a time. So Duke Randal now rules a growing realm serving the training troops of the Amber Imperial Military.


Chaos Bond Braids

 Jallarzi, Nocturne, Doria, Strykr,

NPC: Landoval Asoka, Karostaln Gallowglass, Random, Caine, Despil.

Signs: Thin hair braids on the left sides of the woman's hair.

Elements: The Honorable Custom of Marriage and Courting Braids