The Pattern of Amber & the Pattern of Avalon

The Pattern is the primary and supreme power in the Amber multiverse. No other power can match or beat it.

All Amberites who are known to be Amberites will have walked the Pattern. The walking of the pattern is the ultimate proof of paternity. Children of Amberites who have not yet walked the pattern are not yet considered part of the House of Amber.

Despite the belief that the pattern is the ultimate proof of paternity, it has been argued, by experts no less than Fiona & Bleys, that it is not impossible for those not of the blood to walk. They state that the blood of Amber guides one through the pattern but it is not necessarily the only guide. A person could study the pattern to a great enough detail to map out which turns to make to successfully navigate the pattern. More on this here.

Houses Names of Bariman, Amber, Avalon, Mandalay & Chaos

Since the Patternfall War the use of the name Bariman as a surname to include all descendants of Dworkin has come in to play. The revelation of Dworkin's family relation to Oberon, the creation of the Pattern of Avalon and the Mark of Mandalay, as well as the normalization of relations with the Courts of Chaos, has caused divisions in the pre-Patternfall House of Amber. The house of Amber is led by Random as King of Amber. Corwin leads the House of Avalon. Adrian leads the House of Mandalay and is believed to be a son of Oberon, unknown to even the elder Amberites. Swayvil rules in Chaos, leading House Swayvil. There is a belief in Amber that Dworkin may have been Swayvil's elder brother, therefore heir of the Royal Line of Chaos. Bariman is the name of the House of Chaos that Dworkin once led.

Wild, Snarled, Damaged, Ancient, Contemporary Pattern Imprints

These are conditions known to students of Pattern Magic and scholars of the Church of the Unicorn. This complicated collection of concepts effects Magic in subtle ways. Basically the theory of Wild, Damaged, & Snarled imprints is that at different periods in time the pattern has given different types of imprint.

Wild patterns are those from the earliest days of Amber when the powers of the pattern had not yet reached a comfortable balance point and huge amounts of direct power could be drawn from the pattern. Mages using the wild pattern may not be able to rely on a regular rate of return in their sorcery.

Damaged Pattern are those imprints taken at a time when the pattern was marred. This condition is extremely rare since the wearer need to walk the pattern for the first time when it was damaged. Dara received such an imprint.

Snarled Pattern Imprints are imprints of shadow of the Pattern that have been severed somehow from the pattern itself. Where snarled patterns may be is unclear but the philosopers of the pattern believe at least three shadows of the pattern of Amber exist somewhere in shadow. They believe that the severing of these patterns may have caused each to develop its own elements and particualrities. Recently it has been discovered that a shadow of the pattern exists at the bottom of the Abyss. Philosophers believe this is reasonable and it is likely it is one of the first shadows cast, after the primal was carved and the pattern in castle amber was cast.

Ancient and Contemporary imprints refers to those whose principle pattern imprint occurred before Brand's marring of the pattern or after Patternfall. Ancient Imprints are those taken before Brand marred the pattern, damaging it. This includes most of the elders and many of the cousins. Contemporary imprints are those who take their initial imprint after Patternfall. The differences are slight but important. Dworkin wholly created the Ancient Pattern. The Contemporary Pattern is mainly Dworkin's but it is also slightly Oberon's.

Order of Importance

 The generally accepted Order of Importance for the Shadows of the Pattern of Amber is thus. The Imprint of the Pattern of Amber from the Jewel of Judgment-giving the holder not just the imprint of the pattern but initiation into the Jewel of Judgment. The Primal Pattern of Amber on the Rock Kolvir. The Pattern in the Dungeons of Amber. The Imprint of the Pattern of Amber in Rebma. The Imprint of the Pattern of Amber in Tir No'gath. The Imprint of the Pattern of Amber in Castle Arden. The Imprint of the Pattern of Amber in Fantalin, Thelusia. The Imprint of the Pattern of Amber upon the Crown of Amber. The Imprint of the Pattern of Amber from the Three Sword of Dworkin.

Broken Patterns

Broken Patterns refer to shadows of the Pattern of Amber cast at the time of their marring or Wounding. 3 Known versions of Broken Patern exist. These are called Oberon's Wounding, Dworkin's Wounding, & Martin's Wounding. These powerful shadows of the pattern are able to empower those that assay them with the power to shadowwalk and manipulate powerful pattern based magics. One need not be of the blood of Amber to walk them. For a more complete discussion concerning this topic look under Broken Patterns.


'Shade' is a term that has begun being used in Amber that has had considerable currency amongst sorcerers for centuries. It refers to shadows of the Pattern of Amber that are imperfect but are potent within their realm of origin. It is said that an Amberite can walk to a shadow where each of them is King of Amber or none of them are, or where other things have occurred. In theory there exist uncountable copies of the Pattern of Amber in these lesser realms.

Sometimes the denizens of these worlds find their way to realms the primal Amberites inhabit in Shadow. The theory is that each pattern in Shade contains a percentage of true pattern segments, reflecting the proximity to the reality of Amber. Practitioners of Sorcery from Shade kingdoms can become very powerful. See Shade in Sorcery or Shade Realms

Basic Pattern Imprint

Cost : 50 points [Free]; cannot be bought partially

PRE-REQUISITES : Psyche and Endurance of Amber Rank or higher

Possession of Pattern imprint lets the Amberite feel roughly how real things are; shadow stuff feels less substantial and more malleable than that of Amber. However, basic Pattern does not make the Amberite more than vaguely aware of the properties of the shadow they are in. They can walk to shadows of specific properties, and will know when they are there, but they will have essentially no idea if the given property has not been specified.

It is easier to shift towards Amber than away from it, because Amber is the center of things.

It is possible to teleport from the centre of a Pattern. It is also possible to teleport from the centre of one Pattern to the centre of another, and then teleport further on from there, using the second Pattern.

The Pattern can also be used to Blood Curse (or Blood Bless) ones enemies. This is generally done when the Amberites dies (or thinks they are about to die), and leads to very serious effects on its object. However, it also has equally serious (though not necessarily the same) effects on the person doing the cursing. Also, to carry out the Curse, the Pattern initiate must be able to formulate the curse in their own mind (so very fast attacks can kill an Amberite before they can frame a Curse in their minds, for example, as when Caine tried to assassinate Corwin); they do not have to speak it. Formulating a default curse and engraving it in one's mind might help to deliver the curse, despite quick death.

Even without a blood curse, those with the skills may well be aware of the death of an Amberite nearby.

Any Basic Pattern initiate will be casting shadows of themselves while they are out in shadow; this is not something which can be stopped. The effects of this depend heavily on the reality of the shadows one passes through, the time one spends there, and ones Stuff level. Personal shadows (for which points have been paid, or in which one spends significant time) will also cast shadows of themselves.

In general the pattern is considered to have 10 'points' or positions. This is used in sorcery for hanging spells.

Advanced Pattern

Cost : 75 points

PRE-REQUISITES: Ranked Psyche and Endurance; a lot of experience with basic Pattern.

This must be learnt in the following order but one can stop learning at any point.


The initiate can feel exactly the properties of the shadow one is in. It also allows the initiate to sense nearby shadow paths without moving along them, and also properties of shadow such as Trump barriers and the like. This also allows the user to know power sources, their nature and the like, usually on touch, but large power sources may show up at range (up to about a mile away).


The initiate can control the external emanations of their Pattern imprint. This allows one to mask ones Pattern imprint, appearing not to have one (though ones reality will still be apparent), and also to radiate Pattern energy around oneself in an enhanced form of Pattern defense, to use actively rather than passively. This takes a degree of concentration inversely proportional to ones Psyche.

Suppressing ones Pattern emanations also allows one to reduce, or even eliminate, ones casting of shadows of oneself while away from Amber. This is a simple exercise for those with Advanced Imprint. In time it becomes reflexive. The draw back to masking your pattern imprint is that it lessens the effectiveness of pattern based sorcery & conjuration. Raising the Sign of the Pattern immediately cancels any attempt to change pattern emanations.


Emanating Pattern energy around oneself, in addition to acting as a form of Pattern defense, also has serious effects on magic and technology in the vicinity.

The suppression of magic affects different ranged magics differently:

Spells which use magic to (for example) affect the mind of the target, i.e. in which the magic has to be in contact with the target, are entirely negated.

Magic of less than Amber quality, shadow magics and shadow magic effects can be easily negated.

Spells which use magic to create a non-magical effect which is fired at the target (such as a lightning bolt, where the magic is in the creation and direction of the bolt rather then bolt itself) are not affected unless the caster is close enough to the advanced Pattern user for the Pattern emanations to affect their magic.

The emanating of Pattern energy will also make the use of Trumps in the vicinity of the initiate much more difficult.  


By feeling for the weak points between Shadows one can move though shadow as fast as normal, but using far less effort, or much faster with the same expenditure of energy, or carrying far more people along safely, or leaving a much weaker trail to follow. This ability also allows the initiate to track other Pattern users through shadow much more easily, and after a longer time, than a basic initiate can. With this ability, someone of Amber ranked Psyche can more through shadow faster and/or more easily than someone with the same Psyche who was using only basic Pattern to move through shadow.


One can manipulate probability much more than with basic Pattern, fast enough to use in combat, and without having to shift shadow. This allows more unlikely, more dangerous, or faster manipulation of probability to take place. This includes controlling the weather, and the direction of (for example) lightening bolts at opponents (using Warfare), plus the creation of near-impossible events. This ability does not work in Amber itself.

This part of Advanced Pattern also allows the initiate to summon creatures of desire, and have them reach their destination, much faster than with basic Pattern, and to find creatures and items of power roughly four times faster than with basic Pattern.


The initiate can spread 'waves' of change out into the shadow one is currently in from them, changing its properties to obtain a desired result. This includes adding shadow barriers and the like, but not affecting more than ones current location. The Psyche of the initiate and the Reality of the shadow determines how quickly changes can be made (tens of minutes up to hours, depending on the reality of the shadow), while their Endurance governs how long they can work for without resting. This ability does not work in Amber.


Can merge shadows while walking the route between them and opening a 'hole' though the barriers between them; these can be temporary or permanent. Basically the shadow path is expanded until it covers the whole shadow. Shadows cannot be moved, but this and Shadow Manipulation can be used to chop up shadows into fragments. For this reason this part of Advanced Pattern includes the ability to create shadow pockets and the like. It does not work in Amber.

Master Pattern Imprint

100 Points

This rare attunment is only gained by close communication with the pattern. Very few will have this power. Random, Dworkin, Oberon, and Brand are all known to have had this imprint. Random's is newly acquired.

This power has unknown properties.


A Thought:

Shifting through shadow allows a Pattern initiate to change their clothes, the car they are driving and suchlike things. Perhaps it changes the body of the Amberite (and anyone with them who is also moving through shadow) too, automatically adapting it to the environments of the shadows they pass through...

Of course, in this case, passing through Trump links could be a problem if the two ends of the link are in different environments. Perhaps passing through a Trump automatically resets of changes the Amberite so this is not a problem.

Also, there is a theory that the reason Amberites breed so rarely is that the changes in shadow are not always instantaneous and some are prioritized more than others. Life effecting changed occurring first. So, male Amberites arrive in a shadow with secondary and non-life-sustaining elements, such as fertility or sperm motility, not fully functioning at peak efficiency. Virility and fertility not being the same, one might have the former and not the later. Only after an Amberite has sufficiently recovered from travel will such secondary systems perform at peak. This may take years or days depending on the properties of the shadow. Female Amberites may have similar fertility problems but have the extra complecation that fetal mater, of a certain stage, may be reabsorbed into her body during shadow transport, terminating a pregnancy she may not have known existed.

This theory may become tested empirically as the use of Trumps for portals transcends Shadow-walking as a means of transportation.


Wild , Snarled , Damaged , Ancient, Contemporary Pattern Imprints

There is also a condition known to students of Pattern Magic and scholars of the Church of the Unicorn. This is the supposed Wild Pattern Imprints, Snarled Pattern Imprints, Damaged Pattern Imprint, Ancient, & Contemporary Pattern Imprints. This complicated collection of concepts effects Magic in subtle ways. Basically the theory of Wild, Damaged, & Snarled imprints is that at different periods in time the pattern has given different types of imprint.

The pattern is considered to have 10 points or positions capable of hanging sorcery spells. It has been discovered that each of these points may transform to other forms of imprint,, leading to the conversion of the initiate's imprint. IE. A person with Ancient Imprint, for some reason, has 3 points or slots that have been upgraded to Wild Imprint. These are called Fury Points. A spell hung there will have more power as a destructive spell than as a defense spell. Snarled points, called Ice Points, seem to work well with defense spells. It is not known how Damaged Points might respond. The evidence of a difference between Ancient and Contemporary is as yet unclear.

Wild imprints come from the early days of the pattern. These are the most powerful imprints allowing the initiate to draw more power from the pattern to empower his spells. Oberon, Ossric, Finndo, Mirelle & Benedict are known to have this type of imprint.

Snarled imprints come from a time when there was some form disturbance in the universe. This has happened three times. Historians of Chaos suspect that one of the instances corresponds to a disturbance in Chaos when an attempt to forge a new Logrus failed. The resulting backlash effected the pattern. The second almost certainly has to do with a failed attempt to destroy the jewel of judgment, orchestrated by Delwin. The Third cause is unknown. Fiona, Bleys, & Brand all have snarled Imprints.

Damaged Imprints occurred during the time after Brand's defacing of the Pattern and Oberon's repair. Only Dara is known to have walked it at that time, bridging the marred areas because of her alliance with Chaos.

Ancient & Contemporary Imprints refer to those who walked the Pattern initially before it's marring and after its repair. It is not known what the substantive difference is but it is considered minor. All the elder Amberites have this type of imprint.

Non Blooded Walkers of the Pattern

All Amberites who are known to be Amberites will have walked the Pattern. The walking of the pattern is the ultimate proof of paternity. Children of Amberites who have not yet walked the pattern are not yet considered part of the House of Amber.

Despite the belief that the pattern is the ultimate proof of paternity, it has been argued, by no less than Fiona & Bleys, that it is not impossible for those not of the blood to walk. They state that the blood of Amber guides one through the pattern but it is not necessarily the only guide. A person could study the pattern to a great enough detail to map out which turns to make to successfully navigate the pattern.

The attempt would be insanely difficult. The person would need very high stats and a clear knowledge of the pattern. They would need to know, to the square inch, where to set each foot print and which turn to take. The trick of escaping a maze is to decide at the entrance of the maze to make only right turns. Eventually you reach the end. This path would destroy any one who attempted it on the pattern.

Dworkin has conceded that it may be possible. Bleys believes that Dworkin's concession means it may have been done already. The time before Amber is murky in the extreme and who knows what Dworkin may have done while studying the pattern.