Nocturne at the Oracle of Night

Bley's merely watches sadly as Nocturne walks up to the Oracle

The Oracle of Night is a series of 17 towers, three shown in the trump. Once you enter the circle the sky fogs slightly, deepening as you approach large stone seat at the top of 13 pyramid steps

Nocturne walks solemnly up the thirteen stairs

At the first step she hears a whisper, "In a way it will be her pattern too, her blood and mine"

Nocturne steps on the second step, and the foggy sky between the towers show a dim image of Bleys sitting at a table at sea view garden. Writing, he says, looking around wildly, "The morning I peered through my deck and discovered a trump of the Oracle of Night and the Tower of Grief I broke out in a cold sweat. I remained in it for an hour. Then I went to the Sea View Garden and I drank a bottle of gin.

Nocturne continues up the steps slowly trying to open her mind, but also stay conscious remembering her last encounter with an oracle

The third step is greeted with a terrifying scream and the foggy skies are filled with images of Brand raping the phoenix, burning it, beating it, spellbinding it, and eventually ripping a child from its body, leaving it for dead

The fourth step is silent

The fifth is met by the foggy skies showing Brand and Fiona and Bleys chanting over a young woman of 18, over an alter, Bleys looks up and stops chanting, suddenly he grabs the girl and steps out. Fi and Brand turn to psyche dom him and he falters. As Brand step to take the girl the spell unweaving, Bleys draws a dagger and slashes Brand's throat, causing it to spout blood everywhere.

The steps above are covered in blood

The sixth step is silent

Nocturne moves on careful not to slip on the blood

The seventh show Bleys training troops, Corwin at his side. He says, "Corwin! Corwin! You still have it!" Nocturne is seen tending a training cut of one of the soldiers.

The eighth step shows the entire battle up the stair of Amber, Bleys fighting. Bleys slips and falls, catches Corwin's trumps, and calls Finndo, who reaches out to grab him, just as he slams into the ground. The dark ex-king brings Bleys to Advernus where Noct tends him.

Nocturne remembers tending over the batter Prince, with gentleness

The ninth shows Bleys and Fi defeating Brand and imprisoning him, from which Corwin et al rescued him.

The tenth step shows Fi, leading 100 wemon in black robes, her Bene Gesserit, and 50 sorcerers in red, her Taken, marching in shadow, raising an army of followers. Fiona wears a great orange stone, the Eye of the Pheonix. She looks grim and angry, and nervous

The eleventh step shows the moment when the horn of the unicorn touching Random. It shows all the people-swearing fealty to random.

The 12th step shows Brand upon an alter in torment, tubes stuck into him draining out blood, tubes going in, inserting plasma and fluids. An unreal nasty Abyssal Demon King tends him laughing wickedly, torturing Brand

13th step. It shows the Army of thousands, led by Fiona, stepping over the edge of the Abyss and begining the bettle to descend into the depth, the orange stone glowing in bright light, her magic flashing brightly, fighting to go deep

the top of the pyramid is a low stone seat

Nocturne sits upon the seat

" What will come of this, Of two people of spelled one to Protect, and one to Love ? "

The foggy skies blur and you see the Bleys empowering Advernus to supress the spell. You feel it as the spell grows too powerful for Bleys' control, forcing him to bring Noct to Amber.

You see the effects of the spell on you, causing bad situations and how hard Bleys is trying to protect you despite the spell. You see your capture of the Serpent's blood

You see a firey passionate love scene between Bleys and Noct. Followed soon after by Bleys fleeing Amber, going to Chaos, and forswearing Amber, swearing to Chaos. You see Noct, weeping at the tomb of Brand

You can see the open sarcophagus and the decapitated body of brand in the hollow, his head upon an alter at the front of the mausoleum

You See Fiona's Army, decimated, mauled, and beaten down, breaking into a crypt amongst the floor of the Abyss in the muck of hell. From the crypt Fiona raises the broken body of the Phoenix. She withdraws a trump.

You see the Abyssal Demon stanching swords in the blood of Brand. He withdraws the tubes from Brand, who swings his feet over the edge of the alter. The Abyssal Demon hands him a thermos bottle he drinks from. He stands and examines the swords, testing their magic power.

Brand walks with the sword, withdrawing a huge orange stone, glowing, and approaches a large sign. It is a shadow of the pattern of Amber, glowing slightly on fire, Wild, and he walks it attuning the sword to himself

You see him drawing the blade across Nocturne, wearing the stone, on the Primal Pattern of Amber. Random lays dead at the side, by Benedict and Doria. The Abyssal Demon holds Julian, Caine and Fi. Nocturne bleeds on the pattern erasing it, and he inscribes a dark orange one behind it with the eye of the Phoenix

The foggy skies clear and the sky is calm and purple. Bleys stands outside the alter, Vance is with him

Nocturne says, "What ever you do Bleys promise me you'll never turn against Amber, promise you'll never resign from Amber. " She barely makes out as she walks towards him. Her eyes looking deep and sadened.

Bleys looks up as you approach him and speak. Vance's eyes widen. Bleys-"I promise, but one never knows what actions we will be forced to, Noct"

Nocturne falls softly towards him

Bleys and Vance catch her.

Beys-"Take us someplace Vance"

Vance withdraws a trump to Vulsar Base

Nocturne says, "Amber, I need to talk to Random "

Vance nods. "All right. Good, We found out Fiona has entered the Abyss with an army. It looks like she plans to free Brand" He pulls the Amber trump

Random is in the throne room. Strykr, is seen, speaking about preparations to make, and she leaves. Ben, Caine, Julian are all looking grim. Aries Colbrisi is here to. Flora and Llewella as well

Nocturne pushes off her escorts and starts to approach, " Your highness may I request a word with you of the utmost importance."

Random looks up, worried, "Bleys! What happened to her, she looks like hell!"

Nocturne says, "A matter that would best have as few people involved as possible."

Vance speaks-"She went to the Oracle of Night

Nocturne says," Oracles don't tend to like me very much. "

Caine-"They don't like anyone"

Nocturne says, "Your majesty, only a minute of time with out others present before the bulk of the matter is addressed"

Doria notices Nocturne's clothes in disarray, glances quickly at Bleys, then Vance, then back to Noct.

Random stands, "All right, Julian, see to defense of Arden. See how Gerard is doing. Ben. Ready the forces to march. Aries. Tell the Deans of Fantalin I need war mages who Fi does not own, ready to fight."

Nocturne says," Bleys, Vance, if you would please ? "

Random walks to Noct, taking her arm. "Bleys, Come with us. Vance, go to Vulsar and get the shadow fleet ready"

Random looks at Doria, motions for her to follow as well. She steps in behind Random.

Random, "I have had my own experiences with the Oracle of Night. I spend no private time with one who just sat there."

He takes Bleys, Noct, and Doria into a side room

Nocturne says," The only one I ask not to be there for only a minute is Bleys . "

Doria places her hand on sword hilt, takes defensive position next to Random, eyeing Noct.

Random looks at Bleys, who passes Noct to Doria, who drops her to her feet, lends a shoulder and helps her walk herself in, other hand on her sword hilt, herself between Random and Noct.

Nocturne says, " What I have see is another attempt at Patternfall succeeded by Brand, death will not stop him this time. As long as he holds the eye of the Phoenix, I can not possibly hold him off on my own, and if what I see is true a action that can be 'allowed' so to say would keep Bleys on our side to help protect Amber. "

Random frowns, "Ya think?"

Nocturne says, " Something that will likely follow in short time will send him against amber by his own action to adamant for what he did. The Phoenix is dead there for the spell can not be broken by ritual as was planed. What has been suggested by Dworkin, another means of breaking the spell. " she look nervous, " I don't exactly like the choice of it despite what present actions may suggest, but if there is any way of doing so this is the last chance. "

Doria, "What makes you think Bleys will turn against Amber? What evidence do you have?"

Nocturne says, " I have seen it and it would be what he would do if it was against the wishes of the Crown that actions to break this spell, for it also break a Law of Amber. "

Random-"What law?"

Nocturne says," The Law of Consanguinity" she barley makes out but still audible enough.


Doria rolls her eyes

Random-'Bleys assures me the spell can be broken, the only thing he lacks is the tail feather of the Pheonix. "

Nocturne says, "Which can not be obtained, The Phoenix is dead and Brand never took any of them "

Doria says, "How do you know the Phoenix is dead? Where? It will be easier to obtain a feather if the creature doesn't need to be captured."

Random-"Ygg tells me the Phoenix can be killed but it can also rise. It needs a powerful fire. What did you see that made you think the Phoenix was dead"

Nocturne says, "Fiona and Brand hold its eyes and its body decays in Chaos. I have seen its body in its crypt It can not rise while Fi and Brand hold the eyes "

Nocturne says, " That is how Brand will Rise it is place. "

Random says, "Hmmm, the eyes of the Phoenix. Powerful. Fi has one? Brand had one. Tell me the whole thing. Doria, get Bleys"

Doria walks to the door, opens, "HEY BLEYS, GET IN HERE."

Nocturne laughs at the unceremonious entrance of Bleys

Bleys is standing by the door. He yells in Doria's face, "OK!!"

doria says, ""If she got all this from an oracle...." looks to Bleys, then back at Random, "How accurate is it?"

Nocturne says, "From the Beginning, is taking it back, Bleys attempted to break the spell in Advernus, which forced him to bring me here, something was endangering at which Bleys tried to protect me from. and once friendly ties between us becoming strained. Also the retrieval of the Serpent's blood which has happened. " She stops at which her face turns as red as Bleys' hair

Bleys, "The Oracle of Night is fairly accurate but it is a grim thing. It tends to show dark futures based on dark hopes. The 13 steps up show historical and factual scenes. I saw things on all but 2 steps. My understanding is that I have two factual visions stored up for future use"

Nocturne says:

" Fi stands upon the edge of the Abyss with a sorceress army, " she says tring to move away from the topic she was leading towards. " wearing one of the eyes of the Phoenix "

random-"Bleys, what do you know of this Eye of the Phoenix?"

Doria says, "Using an oracle as an educational tool to give you some ideas is one thing, relying on it as fact is... well stupid."

Bleys nods at Doria, "Sometimes but the oracles are powerfully tied into the forces of Shadow. As for the Eye of the Phoenix, Brand took them out of the Phoenix when he captured her. I never used one but I suspect they have powers on a lesser but similar level than the Jewel of Judgment"

Doria says:

"Why would you suspect them being lesser? Isn't the Phoenix another primal beast?"

Nocturne says:

looks to Bleys with a cold look

Bleys says"Yes, but the serpent was empowered by the creation of the Logrus. When the Unicorn took its eye, it was trying to become as great as the serpent. The fact is that the serpentnever was the greatest of the primal beasts, not by far, but it was chosen in the anciet days of chaos as thetotem beast. thus gained power."

Random, " So, if Brand was to carve with the Eye of the Pheonix?"

Nocturne says:

clears her throat " may I contunue ?"

Bleys-"It would become part of a small fellowship. The Serpent, Ygg, the Bear, and the Unicorn"

Doria says:

"So if Bleys takes the eye of the Phoenix and uses it to create a pattern of his own, would the pheonex then gain more power?"

Bleys nods, "That is my understanding. Though creating it in Amber would make it weaker than the rest"

Random nods to noct,"Continue"

Doria says:

"Only if the current pattern still exists though, right?" to Bleys.

he nods

Nocturne says:

her face returns red as Bleys hair. " leaving out something arledy accnolged as possible to happen." clearing her throat " The orcal then showed Bleys fleeing Amber, forsweating Amber for theCourts. "

Nocturne says:

" The open sarcofaus of brand, his head severed. My self weeping infront of it. then Fiona's army destroyed her standing in the Abyss rasing the broken body of the Phoenix, in condetions not useful for almost anything. then her trumping out "

Nocturne says:

" The deamon that hold Brand, quenching swords in his blood, then freeing him from his imprisonment reviving him, and Brand testing the powers of the swords, the eye of the Phoenix around his neck. "

Random, "What?! Brand free? He was cooperating with the Abyssal King?!"

Nocturne says:

" Brand walking the pattern attuning him self to eye and swords. The pattern wild and on fire. "

"Where was Fi!

Bleys-"Wild? A wild Pattern? The pattern is no longer wild." Random sys, "Actually Bleys, I happen to know there are 3 wild patterns still."

Nocturne says:

" Then both Brand and my self upon the Primal pattern, the sword he now carries striking across my breast and with almost sightless eyes seeing the last bit of the pattern being destroyed. "

Random frowns

Nocturne says:" brand redrawing a Pattern from the eye of the Phoenix in its place, before which one of the stones on my person trying to stop him, I could not tell which, for you benedic and Doria lay dead beside where the pattern had once stood "

Doria says:

"Well, there you go then. It must be a false prophecy, for I plan on living forever."

Nocturne says:

" Which is the extent of the vision excluding some details I doupt your highness would care imparted between two people in this room "

Random-"I wantit all"

Doria says:

"So what does Bleys forswearing his fealty to Amber have to do with anything?"

Nocturne says:

her face reder then bleys hair " Your higness I told you before bleys entered the room. " she dose not meet anyone's eyes

Doria says:

"Well then, who is he supposed to sleep with?"

"No, you alluded before Bleys entered into the room. "

Nocturne says:

" turn the allusion into seeing it as part of the vision "

Nocturne says:

"right before Bleys forswore Amber "

Random-"You are saying that you and Bleys boink and in his grief over breaking a law he fleesAmber?'

Nocturne says:

noddes in agreement

Doria says:

"To Chaos."

Doria says:

chuckling, "That'll happen."

Nocturne says:

looks distrubed at the idea of it happening as she glances at Doria

Random-"Bleys. She asked me to allow something illegal to keep you from betraying Amber. Can you break the spell?"

Bleys-"I think so. I also think the Sage of Angst may have Phoenix feathers but the thing is that she said Fi had the pheonix's body. Noct? Was Fi with Brand? Fighting along side him?"

Nocturne says:

" As much as I could tell "

Nocturne says:

" But I also saw the attempt failing, if it would fail ? " she asks Random

Doria says:

"Is it possible that Fiona was attempting to defeat Brand?"

Nocturne says:

" I could possibley get control over the Eye of the Phoenix, the spell would interfear I believe "

Bleys-"The thing is that Fi has thebody of the Unicorn. I would be willing to do a great deal to get it from her. I know some places she might go, but nothing certain"

Nocturne says:

" there connection is skecty at best "

Doria says:

(the Unicorn?)

Nocturne says:

( I think he ment Phoenix )

i did

star trek is distracting me

Doria says:

"Random, I should tell you something about having Taken."

Random-"Alright. We need to find Fi. One way or the other"

He looks to Doria

Doria says:

"She can... use their psyche."

Nocturne says:

" If things would turn for the worse and it was the only possible way, Random, I I never ask for anything again let it be possible for me to help stop Brand and not hinder your attemps at stoping him. I don't like the idea of it too much but it may come down to what stops him or not "

Random-"I suspect you will get a chance. Brand is under a death sentance and the second he falls under my power I will kill him. If it is possible to, I will allow you to execute him youerself"

Nocturne says:

" If things would happen and he gets free I have a chace to take the Eye from him but not under spell, I ask not for Brand's death, but if there is only one way to break the spell, I would rather see the attempt not drive away one more powerful then myself just so we can retreve the eye from Brand. "

Nocturne says:

" I do not liek the possiblity of it considering half the time he's been acting like an egotisitcal arroganet spoiled brat(BLeys) , if things would end at that, at least blame me and not him for it ?

Random nods looking at Bleys" Well? "

Bleys, "I can break the spell. It won't come to that. "

Nocturne says:

( why did I just have to call him egotisitcal arrogant and a spoiled brat )

Nocturne says:

" I don't doupt the possiblity, but if it dose not work there may not be time to run back to Amber, as I precasuion only I ask "

Doria says:

rolls her eyes, "For crying out loud Random, just say it's OK for Bleys to FUCK Noct if it is what is necessary to break the spell!!!"

Nocturne says:

turns positivatally red advoiding all eye contact

Random laughs at Doria, "Bleys, this is a bad time to lose my Ambassador to Chaos, but I think it might be a fair clime for you. You agree?"

Doria says:

"It would be worth him doing it just to shut her up!!!"

Nocturne says:

( thanks )

Nocturne says:

( please don't let Bleys get any ideas for the present 30 seconds )

Bleys looks at Doria, fiercem then Noct, then Random "Yes. But lets not do anything official till after Maylon can smooth things over. Then send Caine back again."

Random nods. "Good. Now Noct. I am going to have a court scribe meet with you to record this in as clear detail as possible. Can you relate it all for the record?'

Nocturne says:

she noddes wearly

Random-"You are clearly exhausted. Go up and get some rest. Let me know if I can get you anything to help you relax."

Doria says:

"How about Bleys?"

Nocturne says:

" the only thing that could has locked them self up in their own mind "she says smiling slightly at Doria's comment

Random-"Well I think they should rest in seperate chambers, eh, Doria?"

Nocturne says:

( that basically ment Bleys )

Nocturne says:

" trust me whenh I say I do not anticapate the night or day I find my self in his bed with that intent of purpose. " she says softly.

Bleys rolls his eyes

Nocturne says:

( what exactally did he rool his eyes at ? )

Nocturne says:

( Gull did you get the e-m I sent yet ? )

Random stands and walks out to the other room

not yet

Nocturne says:

basically feels like she is glued to the chair and being smutthered

Doria says:

Doria stands, slaps Bleys on the back as she passes, "I don't envy you." and walks out the door.

Random-"Ben. I think Fi may not be seeking Brand. I think she is rescuing the Pheonix. Bleys, confer with Aries, see ifyou can contact her. Brand may be in alliance to the demon king and if that is so he will be awake and coming"

Nocturne says:

wondering if anyone is going to help her up, possibley bleys

"Flora take Noct and have her story transcribed"

Flora looks in the door and Noct. "You alright dear?"

Nocturne says:

" I think I perfered Mandalay knocking me cold for a few hours then Night "

Nocturne says:

" really hoping that prohisies are slightly off "

Flora, "You poor dear. Lets get you into bed and something to eat. Then we will have Tyler take down your story"

Nocturne says:

" Please say tyler has no simularties to Bleys, after the vision I just had to fight to possibley get to happen I don't need anyone that looks or acts like that spoiled brat of a prince. "

Flora"Heavans No! Tylers is a fine man, but a romeo he isn't. He does hava lovely penmanship though..."

that is a good end point, Phen

I know it is late there

Doria says:

I need to get to bed too. g'night all.

Nocturne says:

" What's saying Bleys is a romeo, if someone care to elaborate on that I would tell them they were blind. "

Nocturne says:


Nocturne says:

you like to end befoe my final comment

Doria says:

nope. you can have the last word

Doria has left the conversation.

however Flora gets the last look

Nocturne says:

Flora smiles and rolls here eyes, wishing she could say just how often the Law of Consanguity has been broken